She swathes her face in a veil of decorative muslin. 她用装饰性的薄纱遮住了脸。
Why did you swiftly turn your face and peep at me through your fluttering veil? 你为什么急遽地回头,从飘扬的面纱里偷偷地看我?
But why did you stop for a moment and glance at my face through your veil while you walked by the riverside path with the full pitcher upon your hip? 但是你为什么站了一会,从面纱中瞥视我的脸,当你腰间搂着灌满的水瓶在河边路上行走的时候?
The bride's face was covered in a white veil. 新娘的脸上蒙着白色的面纱。
And the children of Israel saw that the face of Moses was shining: so Moses put the veil over his face again till he went to the Lord. 以色列人看见摩西的面皮发光。摩西又用帕子蒙上脸,等到他进去与耶和华说话,就揭去帕子。
The face veil worn by Muslim women. A mysterious man who covers his deformed face with a mask. 穆斯林女徒脸上蒙的一种面罩。一个脸上残疾带着面罩的神秘男子。
France becomes the first country to enforce a ban against the niqab, or Muslim face veil Monday, when new legislation comes into force. 法国成为世界第一个明文禁止穆斯林女子佩戴的黑面纱的国家。有关法律星期一在法国生效。
SOON after the liberation of Tripoli, the Libyan capital, this correspondent met a woman sporting a niqab, or face veil, along with a floor-length black dress and black gloves. 在利比亚的首都黎波里解放不久之后,一名记者遇到了一位正在摆弄尼卡布的妇女。尼卡布是面纱,垂到地板的黑裙子和黑手套的统称。
And if the law of the land says that you need to remove your face veil for identification, then you should do so. 如果当地法律说你必须脱掉面纱来辨识身份,那你就应该要这样做。
Enriched with softening orange blossom extract and its delicate perfume, these radiance face powder pearls create a powdery and satiny veil on the face. 丰富以软化橙色开花萃取物和它的精美香水,这些发光面粉珍珠在面孔创造粉状和缎子的面纱。
The French cabinet has approved a draft law which would make it illegal to wear in public clothes designed to hide the face, in effect a ban on the full-face Muslim veil. 法国内阁通过一项法律草案,在公共场合穿戴面纱,尤其是穆斯林布卡罩袍将被视为非法行为。
Her face is concealed by her veil, but her form is slight, yet round, as that of youth. 她的脸有面纱遮着,不过她的身材却苗条而丰满,象年轻人的身段。
They wanted to see the expression on my face but I don't think it really matters, I think I could have done it with my veil on. 我觉得看不看到面部表情无所谓,我可以带着面纱提供证据。
Miriamele made an anguished sound, trying to bury her face in her long blue veil, then leaped up to dash past on velvet-slippered feet into her bedchamber. Miriamele发出痛苦的声音,用她长长的蓝色面纱遮住脸,跳起来,穿着天鹅绒的拖鞋的脚飞跑进她的寝室。
Practice encountered in the face of all the contrary, the case law from the United States out of the corporate veil system as the system of corporate personality and improvement of the amendment to open a window. 面对实践中遇到的种种事与愿违,从美国判例法中走出的法人人格否认制度为法人人格制度的修正与完善打开了一扇窗。